Friday, December 16, 2011

IBE Assignment

As for today, I decided to work on my Intro. to Built Environment term paper where we're required to choose any international prominent architect (still practicing) and discuss his works, contribution in the field of architecture, experience and educational background. We can also include critic of his works in the literature if we want to.

It's a 10 to 15 pages of course including photos and this is to be submitted on next Wednesday. 

Me? I chose Tadao Ando. 

Well, I love Frank Lloyd Wright (who doesn't?) and since Tadao Ando is in fact influenced by his works, and of course Le Corbusier's, Louis Kahn's, and Ludwig Mies Van der Rohe's works too and therefore, I chose him. 

...yeah, to those who know me definitely will say it's because he's Japanese and he even built his firm in Osaka (Tadao Ando Architect and Associates) instead of Tokyo where people believe that it's better to start in the most populated city in the world. No my friends, it's not because of that. 

Anyway, I'm going to gather some information from the Internet and going to the library probably tomorrow to borrow some books (our library's collection on this guy is unbelievably small. Only 6 or less books. Not to mention those in other campus libraries) and hopefully be done by Monday cause by Monday, I need to start on my Maths assignment and of course to work on my port folio. 

until next entry, au revoir!
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