Thursday, February 07, 2013

Welcome to Semester II, 2012/2013

Up until today, I've attended several classes. Some are already registered, but some are still on the way to be registered as the schedule just chaotic right now. So, hopefully everything will be settled by tomorrow as tomorrow is also the last day to register subjects.

Today I have no class in the morning though I supposed to attend Islamic Worldview but fortunately it was cancelled. In the evening, I had Structures 1 with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohammad Abu Eusuf and so far I gotta say. He's old school, man!

We supposed to have replacement lecture for History but since the time was clashed with Structures, I have to see Dr. Ali Raza tomorrow.

First week, well. Not so much as I don't have studio.

I'm planning to do some drawing and sketching session later. Will upload here soon. Well, it won't be pleasing your eyes but what more can I say. I'm still learning.

Alright, I have to wake up early tomorrow to see Asst. Dr. Aida, my Building Construction and Materials 2 lecturer to get her stamp as she didn't stamp my Adjustment Course form yesterday.

Hope the finalized schedule will turn out better as I desperately need to take at least 12 credit hours this semester.

Signing out,

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