Friday, November 11, 2011

What an Awesome Day!

Today, November 11th, 2011...

What so special about today's date? I don't know... other than it won't come in how many years ahead of me... Today is the only day that date 11/11/11 ...

As for me, today is a sad day. Why? Because today is someone's birthday... Someone that used to mean so much to me.

But all those feelings, all those memories are gone now... After cherishing every single moment... For the past six years, they're all gone... For good. I hope.

All those ups and downs of my life, specifically for the past six years, I'm letting them go.. Today...

Maybe, just maybe, that today also mark the day that I'm turning into someone new...

I choose to abandon most of the things that no longer define who I am, today.

Therefore, let's celebrate. This day.

No more yesterday, no more contemplating with the past... No more looking back...
Might sound cliche but this is for the best...

For the future... My future...
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