Sunday, April 17, 2016

Sharing House 2.0

The last time I lived in a rental house was back in 2009. As commuting to my work place is quite time-consuming with mum having to drive me 6 in the morning to avoid traffic and pick me up in the evening right after work, I figured it's better to just get a room to rent that isn't so far from the office. So I went on and listed out like 10 possible places to rent and went for...
Friday, April 15, 2016

First Week On the Job

Wow.. I haven't update this blog for more than 2 years? That's not fair. Reason why I'm trying my best to divide my blogging time into several other blogs - my personal blog, my beauty blog, my architectural blog, and this then-university life blog so I guess it's official that this blog has become my work blog.  I won't be posting stuffs like you might want to open a Law dictionary in order...