Monday, January 31, 2011

The Beginning

Even after one month, I still can't find the right word to actually begin this whole thing about life-changing decision that I took after mustering enough courage to actually implement this crazy thing in my head that had stuck in the middle of my diencephalon since 2 years ago.A.R.C.H.I.T.E.C.T.U.R.EI decided to change my course to Architecture and Environmental Design. There, I said it!After trying...
Saturday, January 29, 2011

This Isn't Goodbye...

Well, though this is kinda surprising to some people but I finally have mustered enough courage to tell you guys what had happened to me recently...Things happen for reason and I think I just have to live up with that...A lot of things had happened since I've been admitted into IIUM Kuantan campus and to be honest, I've been trying so hard not to run away from Biomedical Science... Not only trying...
Saturday, January 15, 2011

First Post!

Hello, world! I'm Danielle Ivory and I'm from East part of Malaysia!and this is my blog!Light Up My So...