Monday, October 04, 2010

Let's Just Moved On

Trying my best to understand the meaning of life... (err... does it sounds so dramatic?)

Mid terms just ended last week.. =D

I came back from home on September, 20th with double the amount of stuffs that I brought from Kuantan.. Well, it was 'Eid.. I spent a lot basically, just can't get enough of shoes! Not forgetting my first official handbag, yay! I'm not that ladylike so I'm not into these kind of stuffs until recently when a lot of people approached me and said this and that...

So, I think.. Why not? I always avoid whenever this topic - to be more feminine and blah blah blah... Well, I always do things only when I'm ready and not rush into it as I always believe that if I do things drastically, it won't last long and I'll just going back to who I was before..

Recently I posted some stuffs in Facebook that I think it's kinda personal but it's just that I really want to say out loud but I just can't.. After having deep thought before posting those lines up, I took a deep breath and there... well, in Japanese... Though not many will understand it but as long I know I said it.. clearly there... that's more than enough...

Therefore.. I think it's the right time to let go and move on...

Let's pray hard and wish for the best to come!

Signing out!
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