Thursday, October 14, 2010

New Discovery?

well, let's just say I have a new obsession...

Recently, I've been downloading some new anime and manga... As I don't have much time to read the manga online, I just downloaded the archived ones and put them away in between my notes and assignment. But honestly, every now and then, I'll just gonna end up watching at least one episode of the recently downloaded by myself and other housemates anime.

I've always wanted to re-watch Rurouni Kenshin, though...

But this summer, (eh!!!! Well, sometimes I assume myself living in Japan, so..) I've checked out some awesome-crazy-haunting anime such as Black Butler, Hakuouki: Shinsengumi Kitan, Kaixchou wa Maid-sama!, and another anime that I'm about to dragged into my world - Claymore.


Finals gonna ride a freaking big fireball and ready to hit me on my head!

Well, I just wanna relax a bit before killing myself during the final month of this semester...

I've been thinking a lot recently...well, up until I can't sleep well, at night...

Sometimes I wonder how my life gonna end up... What I'm gonna do about my future?
Well, the only thing that I can do right now... is pray hard that I will success in no matter what I do...

Monday, October 04, 2010

Let's Just Moved On

Trying my best to understand the meaning of life... (err... does it sounds so dramatic?)

Mid terms just ended last week.. =D

I came back from home on September, 20th with double the amount of stuffs that I brought from Kuantan.. Well, it was 'Eid.. I spent a lot basically, just can't get enough of shoes! Not forgetting my first official handbag, yay! I'm not that ladylike so I'm not into these kind of stuffs until recently when a lot of people approached me and said this and that...

So, I think.. Why not? I always avoid whenever this topic - to be more feminine and blah blah blah... Well, I always do things only when I'm ready and not rush into it as I always believe that if I do things drastically, it won't last long and I'll just going back to who I was before..

Recently I posted some stuffs in Facebook that I think it's kinda personal but it's just that I really want to say out loud but I just can't.. After having deep thought before posting those lines up, I took a deep breath and there... well, in Japanese... Though not many will understand it but as long I know I said it.. clearly there... that's more than enough...

Therefore.. I think it's the right time to let go and move on...

Let's pray hard and wish for the best to come!

Signing out!