Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thursday Night!

Feeling bored as I don't have anything to do tonight... Almost all my housemates went out for movies while I'm stuck inside my room and do nothing but staring at O-Lie - my teddy bear.

Actually, there are a lot of things I need to right now it's just that I don't think I can do anything... Well, at least for now.. I don't want to be a lazy bum throughout this weekend...

I've been through the whole one month - December '09's NST newspapers this evening with Shahida for the sake of our Parasitology assignment... Unfortunately, there wasn't much information we got... I think I need to borrow more newspapers from the library...

Aish! I wonder why I'm feeling annoyed right now... is there anything to kill? Someone? Something? =)

Ah... Tomorrow's is my best friend wedding... I wish I were there... I really want to go but there's nothing I can do about it... To be honest, I don't even ask Mum to buy me flight tickets... It's not that I don't want to go but then... I wonder what I'm going to do if I were there...

I called Mum to confirm the dates I'm going back at the end of my short semester. It's going to be exact one month holiday so I really have to plan it starting from now. I don't want to waste just like that as I know there won't be any chance for me to go back later... Next short semester will packed with practicals and I'm hoping to be graduated before I hit another short semester after that...

I miss him... again. I wonder how long it takes before this feeling fades away... Well, can it be faded away? can I just throw it away? Can I just forget?

Someone said it already...

"Moon, you got to let him go..."

But what if I don't want to let him go? Can you just let me be?

"It's not a wrong thing for you to like someone... Someone who can love someone else is guiltless.."

I wonder whether I'm guiltless or I'm just innocent regarding this thing...

I really want to see him again... Even just for 5 minutes... for the last five years since I met him... I really want to see his face again...

it's unbelievable but it's true... probably it's because I'm freaking bored right now so I started to think about nonsense.

Is it nonsense?
1 comment on "Thursday Night!"
  1. Loving someone isn't something you should be shamed about... If you love him... just tell him then...
