Friday, January 01, 2010

New Me... I Guess...

Happy New Year, everyone... It's 2010 and I've got few things to say...

As usual, new year comes along with fresh determinations... Therefore this year, I'm determined to shape myself and become a better person... Inside out...

I hope I can manage my time properly,
prioritize things around me = studying should comes to the 1st place,

and lots of things to be taken care of...

and most importantly to get to know more of what is the thing that I want most in my life...

"It can't be done" is I hate mostly... So, I will never do things halfway anymore... I want to finish every single thing I had started... But of course... Studying isn't something I can be done with but in things involving commitment and determination in achieving something, I would really want to try at least finish every phase I have to go through in order to go forward to the next phase, in my field of study, in my life...

That's all.
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