Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Lecture 9

Al-Akhirah and Its Implication For Human Life Islamic Vision of Life and Death (الآخرة ) Believing in the hereafter (الآخرة ) is the 5th principle of Arkanul Iman. There are two types of the hereafter: القيامة الصغرى which is death and believing in البرزخ (the life in the grave), and in the reward and punishment in the grave (فتنة القبر ). The second type of the hereafter is القيامة الكبرى , which...
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Lecture 8

Prophethood and Its Relevance to the Muslim Life Prophethood (النّبوة ) Prophethood is an appointment of selected servants of Allah SWT, who has been appointed and selected to receive His revelation and guidance, and it is being sent through the intermediary of His angel Jibrail AS. Prophethood begins with the first human being, Prophet Adam AS, and ended with the Seal of the Prophets, our Prophet...
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Lecture 7

Concept of Sunnatullah (مفهوم سنة الله ) The Arabic word Sunnah in its literal sense means habitual practice, customary procedure or norm. It stands for consistency and order. Sunnatullah is the systematic order that Allah SWT created to govern the movement of His creation and make everything function in a consistent and organized way. It is also called the pattern of God, or the order of God in...
Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Lecture 6

Tawhid and its Implication on Human Life. Tawhid is to believe that there is no other god but only one God, Allah SWT, and to believe in all His Attributes and all His Beautiful Divine Names as mentioned in the al-Qur’an, and also believing that Prophet Muhammad SAW is His Messenger. It is the essence of Islam, the heart of Islam. The message that has been revealed to our Prophet Muhammad SAW and...