Saturday, January 29, 2011

This Isn't Goodbye...

Well, though this is kinda surprising to some people but I finally have mustered enough courage to tell you guys what had happened to me recently...

Things happen for reason and I think I just have to live up with that...

A lot of things had happened since I've been admitted into IIUM Kuantan campus and to be honest, I've been trying so hard not to run away from Biomedical Science... Not only trying to cope with the course itself - everybody knows this isn't an easy course though it's not as tough as Medicine, I also had struggled to cope with the environment...

Therefore, long story short, I'm actually 'enjoying' a study leave right now, well.. Not a vacation obviously! I'm doing some preparation to go through the interview by the end of February or early March.. Oh, I didn't mention that I'm changing program, right?

Well, after all things considered, I applied the change of program to our own KAED in Gombak campus... so even after this leave, I won't be able to come back to Kuantan...

All in all, I would like to thank all the people that had helped me throughout my days in Kuantan especially to all Class of 2012, Batch 081/082 and 091... I sincerely want to thank you guys for giving me so many memories... I'm sorry I just can't go on with you guys anymore... It's not that I don't want to but I can't...

Therefore, I would like to wish all the best to all of you and hopefully we all going to succeed in no matter what we want to pursue in the future... I hope our paths will cross again in the future so we can meet again, talk over a cup of coffee somewhere, and laugh about all those happy moments we had together...

As I strongly believe that hard work will definitely be rewarded and together with sincerity, we could have all the things that we want to have in our life... be it a wealthy life, healthy environment, useful sources, or anything that can benefit us and people that we care about...

All in all, I hope this isn't goodbye...

Nuraini Munira Jalir
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