Sunday, March 16, 2014

Looking Back

I have to admit, after living for about 8 years far from my family, I feel like as I'm on the edge whenever someone asked me about my feelings all this time.  Truth is, I've always want to come home and just live a simple life.  Staying at home, being just a regular kampung girl. Gathering with some girls laughing with me at malam badak on Saturday nights and...
Saturday, March 01, 2014

Architectural Design 2: Minor Project 1

For the first minor project, it's about Vernacular architecture so we're required to do some research on Maldives vernacular architecture (hence previous post) for our group of 18 students so about 3 weeks ago we had presentation together with our precedent studies on local Malaysian architect for Minor Project 2. but to day I'm going to share the first minor project and post the second one later....